Date of birth: 28th April, 2000
Mother: Pénzesgyőri Nosza
Father: Kalácsos Füles
Achievements: 57x perfect, 4x HPJ, HDGY, 37x CAC, 6x Res.CAC, 14x CACIB, 6x Res.CACIB, 9x HFGY, 14x BOB, BIS, 3x beauty and champion of Orosháza, beauty and champion of Törökszentmiklós, beauty and champion of Szentes, Hungária Junior Champion (HJCH), Hungária Champion (HCH), Hungária Show Champion (HSCH), Hungária Grand Champion (HGCH), Inter Champion (ICH), Román Champion, Román Champion Cum Laudae, Jugoszláv Champion,
At puli club: the II. most successful white puli of 2001
the III. most successful white puli of 2002
the I. most successful white puli of 2003
the I. most successful white puli of 2004
the I. most successful white puli of 2004